Seasonal Bouquets


A seasonal bouquet of lovely fresh locally grown flowers and foliage.

All bouquets are made from what is in season and available at the time.

Please note, from December I can offer festive wreaths, swags and bouquets or many different dried flower arrangements.

Mixed fresh locally grown bouquets start again in early summer from the end of May.

PLEASE NOTE: No Delivery, Dunbar pick up only, please contact me for suitable day and time

If you love the idea of the surprise and unique nature of a completely natural and local product – you’ll love these.

Prices range from £30, £40 and £50

SKU: N/A Category:


A seasonal bouquet of lovely fresh locally grown flowers and foliage.

All bouquets are made from what is in season and available at the time.

Please note, from December I can offer festive wreaths, swags and bouquets or many different dried flower arrangements.

Mixed fresh locally grown bouquets start again in early summer from late May.

If you love the idea of the surprise and unique nature of a completely natural and local product – you’ll love these.

Prices range from £30, £40 and £50



PICK UP FROM DUNBAR ONLY, please contact me to arrange a suitable day and time. Thanks


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Medium, Large, Extra